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Undetected Cheats

LaviCheats, the greatest and most advanced gaming augmentation service on the market.

DayZ Scar Review - 1000+ Hours used

Diogo Pinto

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First off my sincere congrats to Lavi and the team! Tickets are always resolved quickly and efficiently. Updates are always sent out very shortly after the game updates.

Now about DayZ Scar:


In general, I am very happy with the cheat. It's reliable, doesn't take up too many resources, and in over 1000 hours I've never had a battleye ban.

The aimbot is what you would expect from a game like DayZ. It's great for close quarters and recoil control, but if the enemy is distant and moving, you have to aim yourself and take into consideration the bullets travel velocity and the target's velocity. Simply locking onto the target and shooting will make you miss

ESP is AMAZING. You have players, animals and loot ESP. Loot ESP is divided into cathegories and colors, you can enable or disable each cathegory.


Reliability is on point as well, cheat is up 99.9% of the time (I can think of maybe once during all this time that I tried to play and it was under maintenence, this was shortly after the game updated too.)


In general, 10/10.


Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk

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